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Security Accessories
Sabre Security Mart has an extensive selection of accessories that include breathalyzer units, power adapters, card encoders, wireless exit buttons, conduit and more. Whether you're looking for security related accessories, or simply need a power adapter for personal use, chances are you will find them here. Got a DIY project to complete then we have what you need. For all your business networking solutions, we have a selection of NVR'S, modems, wifi routers and PC accessories for home and business. Prices are wholesale and a minimum order quantity applies
Security Accessories
Showing 1 - 16 of 82 Items
- +++1 channel centurion nova remote receiver+++1 channel sherlotronics remote receiver+++12v dc cable connectors+++12v dc connector types+++12v dc jack adapter+++12v jack+++12v piezo alarm buzzer+++12v piezo buzzer+++12v relay switch+++16v relay switch+++2 pin plug adapter south africa+++2 prong plug adapter+++433mhz remote receiver+++access control audio security+++adaptor+++adhesive+++alarm indoor siren+++alarm siren for sale+++alarm siren price+++alarm sirens for sale+++alarm systems+++alarms sirens sounds+++audio intercom+++automatic factory bell controller+++automatic factory school bell controller+++automatic school bell controller+++automatic timer switch+++backup battery+++baton+++batonguardtrack+++black insulation tape+++blank plastic access cards+++bnc connector+++bnc connectors+++bnc connectors for radio+++bnc connectors for radio frequency electronics+++bnc to bnc inline coupler+++boot+++brush panel+++burglar alarm sirens+++buzzer+++c4501 blank plastic access cards+++cable junction+++cable junction lid+++cable tester+++cables+++card holder+++ceiling glue+++centurion nova remote receiver+++centurion nova smart 1+++centurion remotes and receivers+++china glue+++commax audio intercom+++commax intercom-audio 1:1+++commax security systems+++communication cable+++conduit+++connector+++connector strip+++cornice glue+++coupler+++crimping tool+++dc 12v female power jack adapter plug connector+++dc jack connector+++dc jack connector female+++dc jack connector male+++dc jack female+++dc jack male+++dc piezo buzzer 12v+++digital timer switch to operate a siren or bell+++door release+++double pole relay 12v+++double pole relay 16v+++dpdt relay switch+++electric strike door lock kit+++electric strike lock installation+++electric strike lock kit+++electric strike lock near me+++electrical insulation tape+++exit button+++exit buttons+++extension cable+++factory bell timer+++factory break time alarm+++factory siren times+++flush strike lock+++fly lead+++gate release security systems+++general purpose adhesive+++general purpose glue+++general-purpose adhesives+++glass glue+++glue+++gluing wires to ceilings+++gluing wires to walls+++guard monitoring systems south africa+++guard starter kit+++guard track baton+++guardpatrol baton+++guardpatrolbaton+++guardtrack+++guardtrack baton+++guardtrack starter kit+++guardtrack starter patrol kit+++guardtrackbaton+++guardtrackkit+++guardtrackstarterpatrol kit+++hard drive+++hdmi cable+++hdmi extender+++home alarm sirens+++insulate electrical connections+++insulation tape+++insulation tape price+++insulation tape uses+++intercom+++intercom door release system+++intercom gate release system+++intercom security systems+++jack+++janus plug+++key switch+++key switch for alarm system+++key switch price+++key switches near me+++leather glue+++led light+++mechanical timer+++monitor webcam+++multi plug+++networking+++orbis digital time switch+++orbis timer price+++outdoor burglar alarm sirens+++outdoor security alarm siren+++patch panel+++patrol baton+++patrolbaton+++pc hardware+++pc power plug+++piezo buzzer price+++piezo buzzer uses+++plastic cards+++plastic glue+++plastic security access cards+++plug and play webcam+++plug converter+++plug head+++plugs+++poe kit+++pottery glue+++power adaptors+++power supplies+++printable access cards+++programmable bell timer for schools+++pvc electrical insulation tape+++pvc insulation tape+++pvc piping+++pvc saddle+++pvc sprague+++recessed strike lock+++relay+++relay switch circuit+++relay switch price+++relay switches near me+++release buttons+++remote receiver+++school bell system south africa+++screws and bolts+++seal electrical connections+++self-learning technology remote receivers+++sherlotronics+++sherlotronics remotes+++sherlotronics remotes & receivers+++silicone+++single pole vs double pole relay+++siren+++smoke detector+++spacer box+++spring loaded electrical switch+++spring loaded key switch+++spring loaded rotary switch+++spring loaded switch mechanism+++spring selector switch+++starter patrol kit+++starterpatrol kit+++starterpatrolkit+++strike lock+++striker lock price+++sundries+++surface mount electric strike lock+++surface mount strike lock+++tape+++timer+++touch to exit button+++trunking+++universal 2 pin plug+++usb extender+++vga cable+++webcam+++webcam for laptop+++webcam with built-in microphone+++webcam with clamp+++webcam with stand+++white insulation tape+++wood glue+++
- +++1 channel centurion nova remote receiver+++1 channel sherlotronics remote receiver+++12v dc cable connectors+++12v dc connector types+++12v dc jack adapter+++12v jack+++12v piezo alarm buzzer+++12v piezo buzzer+++12v relay switch+++16v relay switch+++2 pin plug adapter south africa+++2 prong plug adapter+++433mhz remote receiver+++access control audio security+++adaptor+++adhesive+++alarm indoor siren+++alarm siren for sale+++alarm siren price+++alarm sirens for sale+++alarm systems+++alarms sirens sounds+++audio intercom+++automatic factory bell controller+++automatic factory school bell controller+++automatic school bell controller+++automatic timer switch+++backup battery+++baton+++batonguardtrack+++black insulation tape+++blank plastic access cards+++bnc connector+++bnc connectors+++bnc connectors for radio+++bnc connectors for radio frequency electronics+++bnc to bnc inline coupler+++boot+++brush panel+++burglar alarm sirens+++buzzer+++c4501 blank plastic access cards+++cable junction+++cable junction lid+++cable tester+++cables+++card holder+++ceiling glue+++centurion nova remote receiver+++centurion nova smart 1+++centurion remotes and receivers+++china glue+++commax audio intercom+++commax intercom-audio 1:1+++commax security systems+++communication cable+++conduit+++connector+++connector strip+++cornice glue+++coupler+++crimping tool+++dc 12v female power jack adapter plug connector+++dc jack connector+++dc jack connector female+++dc jack connector male+++dc jack female+++dc jack male+++dc piezo buzzer 12v+++digital timer switch to operate a siren or bell+++door release+++double pole relay 12v+++double pole relay 16v+++dpdt relay switch+++electric strike door lock kit+++electric strike lock installation+++electric strike lock kit+++electric strike lock near me+++electrical insulation tape+++exit button+++exit buttons+++extension cable+++factory bell timer+++factory break time alarm+++factory siren times+++flush strike lock+++fly lead+++gate release security systems+++general purpose adhesive+++general purpose glue+++general-purpose adhesives+++glass glue+++glue+++gluing wires to ceilings+++gluing wires to walls+++guard monitoring systems south africa+++guard starter kit+++guard track baton+++guardpatrol baton+++guardpatrolbaton+++guardtrack+++guardtrack baton+++guardtrack starter kit+++guardtrack starter patrol kit+++guardtrackbaton+++guardtrackkit+++guardtrackstarterpatrol kit+++hard drive+++hdmi cable+++hdmi extender+++home alarm sirens+++insulate electrical connections+++insulation tape+++insulation tape price+++insulation tape uses+++intercom+++intercom door release system+++intercom gate release system+++intercom security systems+++jack+++janus plug+++key switch+++key switch for alarm system+++key switch price+++key switches near me+++leather glue+++led light+++mechanical timer+++monitor webcam+++multi plug+++networking+++orbis digital time switch+++orbis timer price+++outdoor burglar alarm sirens+++outdoor security alarm siren+++patch panel+++patrol baton+++patrolbaton+++pc hardware+++pc power plug+++piezo buzzer price+++piezo buzzer uses+++plastic cards+++plastic glue+++plastic security access cards+++plug and play webcam+++plug converter+++plug head+++plugs+++poe kit+++pottery glue+++power adaptors+++power supplies+++printable access cards+++programmable bell timer for schools+++pvc electrical insulation tape+++pvc insulation tape+++pvc piping+++pvc saddle+++pvc sprague+++recessed strike lock+++relay+++relay switch circuit+++relay switch price+++relay switches near me+++release buttons+++remote receiver+++school bell system south africa+++screws and bolts+++seal electrical connections+++self-learning technology remote receivers+++sherlotronics+++sherlotronics remotes+++sherlotronics remotes & receivers+++silicone+++single pole vs double pole relay+++siren+++smoke detector+++spacer box+++spring loaded electrical switch+++spring loaded key switch+++spring loaded rotary switch+++spring loaded switch mechanism+++spring selector switch+++starter patrol kit+++starterpatrol kit+++starterpatrolkit+++strike lock+++striker lock price+++sundries+++surface mount electric strike lock+++surface mount strike lock+++tape+++timer+++touch to exit button+++trunking+++universal 2 pin plug+++usb extender+++vga cable+++webcam+++webcam for laptop+++webcam with built-in microphone+++webcam with clamp+++webcam with stand+++white insulation tape+++wood glue+++
- +++1 channel centurion nova remote receiver+++1 channel sherlotronics remote receiver+++12v dc cable connectors+++12v dc connector types+++12v dc jack adapter+++12v jack+++12v piezo alarm buzzer+++12v piezo buzzer+++12v relay switch+++16v relay switch+++2 pin plug adapter south africa+++2 prong plug adapter+++433mhz remote receiver+++access control audio security+++adaptor+++adhesive+++alarm indoor siren+++alarm siren for sale+++alarm siren price+++alarm sirens for sale+++alarm systems+++alarms sirens sounds+++audio intercom+++automatic factory bell controller+++automatic factory school bell controller+++automatic school bell controller+++automatic timer switch+++backup battery+++baton+++batonguardtrack+++black insulation tape+++blank plastic access cards+++bnc connector+++bnc connectors+++bnc connectors for radio+++bnc connectors for radio frequency electronics+++bnc to bnc inline coupler+++boot+++brush panel+++burglar alarm sirens+++buzzer+++c4501 blank plastic access cards+++cable junction+++cable junction lid+++cable tester+++cables+++card holder+++ceiling glue+++centurion nova remote receiver+++centurion nova smart 1+++centurion remotes and receivers+++china glue+++commax audio intercom+++commax intercom-audio 1:1+++commax security systems+++communication cable+++conduit+++connector+++connector strip+++cornice glue+++coupler+++crimping tool+++dc 12v female power jack adapter plug connector+++dc jack connector+++dc jack connector female+++dc jack connector male+++dc jack female+++dc jack male+++dc piezo buzzer 12v+++digital timer switch to operate a siren or bell+++door release+++double pole relay 12v+++double pole relay 16v+++dpdt relay switch+++electric strike door lock kit+++electric strike lock installation+++electric strike lock kit+++electric strike lock near me+++electrical insulation tape+++exit button+++exit buttons+++extension cable+++factory bell timer+++factory break time alarm+++factory siren times+++flush strike lock+++fly lead+++gate release security systems+++general purpose adhesive+++general purpose glue+++general-purpose adhesives+++glass glue+++glue+++gluing wires to ceilings+++gluing wires to walls+++guard monitoring systems south africa+++guard starter kit+++guard track baton+++guardpatrol baton+++guardpatrolbaton+++guardtrack+++guardtrack baton+++guardtrack starter kit+++guardtrack starter patrol kit+++guardtrackbaton+++guardtrackkit+++guardtrackstarterpatrol kit+++hard drive+++hdmi cable+++hdmi extender+++home alarm sirens+++insulate electrical connections+++insulation tape+++insulation tape price+++insulation tape uses+++intercom+++intercom door release system+++intercom gate release system+++intercom security systems+++jack+++janus plug+++key switch+++key switch for alarm system+++key switch price+++key switches near me+++leather glue+++led light+++mechanical timer+++monitor webcam+++multi plug+++networking+++orbis digital time switch+++orbis timer price+++outdoor burglar alarm sirens+++outdoor security alarm siren+++patch panel+++patrol baton+++patrolbaton+++pc hardware+++pc power plug+++piezo buzzer price+++piezo buzzer uses+++plastic cards+++plastic glue+++plastic security access cards+++plug and play webcam+++plug converter+++plug head+++plugs+++poe kit+++pottery glue+++power adaptors+++power supplies+++printable access cards+++programmable bell timer for schools+++pvc electrical insulation tape+++pvc insulation tape+++pvc piping+++pvc saddle+++pvc sprague+++recessed strike lock+++relay+++relay switch circuit+++relay switch price+++relay switches near me+++release buttons+++remote receiver+++school bell system south africa+++screws and bolts+++seal electrical connections+++self-learning technology remote receivers+++sherlotronics+++sherlotronics remotes+++sherlotronics remotes & receivers+++silicone+++single pole vs double pole relay+++siren+++smoke detector+++spacer box+++spring loaded electrical switch+++spring loaded key switch+++spring loaded rotary switch+++spring loaded switch mechanism+++spring selector switch+++starter patrol kit+++starterpatrol kit+++starterpatrolkit+++strike lock+++striker lock price+++sundries+++surface mount electric strike lock+++surface mount strike lock+++tape+++timer+++touch to exit button+++trunking+++universal 2 pin plug+++usb extender+++vga cable+++webcam+++webcam for laptop+++webcam with built-in microphone+++webcam with clamp+++webcam with stand+++white insulation tape+++wood glue+++
R 43.54
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R 13.91
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R 0.52
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R 8.70
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R 9.57
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R 0.88
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R 184.35
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R 279.13
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