Broadlink HTS2 Temperature and Humidity Cable
Broadlink HTS2 Sensor Accessory.Â
The BroadLink HTS2 Sensor Accessory is a temperature and humidity sensor built into the USB cable.
Please Note** it’s not support BroadLink RM mini3, RM Pro or BestCon RM4C mini.
Only works with RM4 Mini and RM4 Pro.
The BroadLink HTS2 Sensor Accessory adds the functions of temperature and humidity to your universal Wifi and RF remote with Automations. Just Connect it to the RM4 mini or Pro replacing the existing USB cable just like an ordinary cable. It will monitor temperature and humidity of the room.
If you have already configured your RM4 successfully in the BroadLink app with its own USB cable, just replace the cable with the HTS2 sensor cable, the app will display the temperature and humidity automatically. If this is the first time you set up the RM4, just connect the sensor cable between the RM4 mini and power adapter, then simply follow the wizard in the app.
**Works with RM4 Mini and RM4 Pro.
The HTS2 sensor is integrated into the USB cable nice and small, you want even notice its there if you don’t look for it. It detects the indoor temperature and humidity which can be displays it on your phone or used for automations. It can turn on your Air conditioner on or off keeping your environment at a desired temperature all the time.
Broadlink HTS2 Temperature and Humidity Cable
Broadlink HTS2 Sensor Accessory.Â
The BroadLink HTS2 Sensor Accessory is a temperature and humidity sensor built into the USB cable.
Please Note** it’s not support BroadLink RM mini3, RM Pro or BestCon RM4C mini.
Only works with RM4 Mini and RM4 Pro.
The BroadLink HTS2 Sensor Accessory adds the functions of temperature and humidity to your universal Wifi and RF remote with Automations. Just Connect it to the RM4 mini or Pro replacing the existing USB cable just like an ordinary cable. It will monitor temperature and humidity of the room.
If you have already configured your RM4 successfully in the BroadLink app with its own USB cable, just replace the cable with the HTS2 sensor cable, the app will display the temperature and humidity automatically. If this is the first time you set up the RM4, just connect the sensor cable between the RM4 mini and power adapter, then simply follow the wizard in the app.
**Works with RM4 Mini and RM4 Pro.
The HTS2 sensor is integrated into the USB cable nice and small, you want even notice its there if you don’t look for it. It detects the indoor temperature and humidity which can be displays it on your phone or used for automations. It can turn on your Air conditioner on or off keeping your environment at a desired temperature all the time.